Friday 7 December 2007

la historia del lago

Había una vez un lago y, sobre él, un árbol extendía una de sus ramas. En el lago había un pez muy bello, y sobre la rama se posaba un pájaro de precioso plumaje. El pájaro le movía las alas al pez, y el pez le movía la cola al pájaro. De esta manera, se enamoraron. Pero, ¿dónde vivirían?

Esta historia pone de manifiesto que es posible que un pez y un pájaro se enamoren, pero que la naturaleza hace imposible que las dos especies de hábitats tan diferentes puedan estar juntos.

Habrá a quien estas historias le parezcan pastelosas, pero son la vida misma.

Gracias a mi padre por contarme esta historia ayer, y a todos aquellos que entienden que la sostenibilidad no trata sólo de las emisiones de CO2. Hay muchas cosas en la vida que no son sostenibles, por mucho que nos duela, muchas más de las que nos podemos imaginar o estamos dispuestos a aceptar.

Thursday 6 December 2007

abc of an alpha female

The first thing you have to come to terms with when you are an alpha female, is that your professional and academic level is inversely proportional to the chances of finding a man that is worth it. And that is a fact, a truth universally accepted and proven by many an alpha female in every country of the world.

It is not that one is not willing to take in a beta male, or even less than that. The problem lies in the unexistent willingness that non-alpha males have to accept being by an alpha female, in all cultures I have lived in. Of course, you may argue that the solution would be to find an alpha male and problem solved. Easy, tiger. How many alpha males are willing to share their lives with someone as busy as them? It is a matter of practicality. Besides, non-alpha females are extremely and surprisingly skilled at hunting for and trapping alpha males, and the easiness with which they let themselves be trapped by such harpies is also astonishing. How on earth do they manage to trap them so easily, when it takes us alpha females ages to even get ourselves to be noticed by them?? Mysteries of life...

So, how many of you, alpha females, have a successful, healthy and happy relationship?

Have your say!